Love , part 2

  • “It is impossible to love and to be wise.” [ FRANCIS BACON, "Of Love"  Essays (1625)]
    • “There is only one way to be happy by means of the heart to have none.” [ PAUL BOURGET ,  La Physiologie de L'amour Moderne (1890)]
    • “First love, with is frantic haughty imigination, swings its objects clear of everyday, over the rut of living, making him all looks, silence, gestures, attitudes, a burning pharase with no contex.” [ ELISABETH BOWEN , The House in Paris (1935)]
    • “The wish to lead out one's lover must be a tribal feeling; the wish to be seen as loved is part of one's self respect.” [ ELISABETH BOWEN , The Death of the Heart  (1938)]
    • “Love is also like a coconut which is good while it's fresh, but you have got to spit it out when the juice is gone, what's left taste bitter.” [ BARTLOT BRECHT , Baal  (1926)] 
    • “Friendship often  ends in love; but love in friendship -never.” [ CHARLES CALEB COLTON ,  Lacon (1825)]  
    • “Who so loves,/ Believes the impossible.” [ ELIZABETH BARRET BROWNING, Aurora Leigh (1856)] 
    • “Eternal love doth keep/ In his complacent arms, the earth, the air, the deep.” [ WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT, “ The Ages ”  (1821)]
    • “Love dies only when growth stops.” [ PEARL S.BUCK , “ What Shall I Tell My Dauhter ”, To My Daughters With Love (1967)] 
    • “The more violent the love, the more violent the anger.” [BURMESE PROVERBS  (1952)]  
    • “All thoughts, all passions, all delights, / whatever stirs the mortal frame,/ All are miniters of love,/ And feed he sacred flame.” [ SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE , “ Love ”  (1799)] 
    • “Sympathy constitute friendship, but in love there is a sort of antipathy, or opposing passion. Each drives to be the other, and both together make up on whole.” [ SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE , Table Talk.  (Sep.27, 1952)]  
    • “To love a thing means wanting it to lived.” [ CONFUCIUS,   Analects  ( 6th - C.B.C.)] 
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