Old and Young

  1. “What though youth gave love and roses, / Ages still leaves us friends and wines.” [THOMAS MORE , “ Spring and Autumn ” National Airs (1815)]

  2. “Youth is incautious./ Wisdom learns to tread softy./ Valuing moments.” [AMY LOWEL , “The Anniversary, ” What’s O’Clock (1975)]

  3. “If you will be cherished when you are old, be courteous while you be young.” [JOHN LYLY, Eupheus. The Anatomy of Wit (1579)]

  4. “Most men spend the first half of their live making the second half miserable.” [ LA BRUYERE, Characters (1688)]

  5. “Crabbed age and youth cannot live together ;/ youth is full oe pleasance, age is full of care.” [ SHAKESPEARE, The Passionate Pilgrim (1599)]

  6. “It’s all that the young can do for old, to shock them and keep them update.” [ GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, “ Induction, “ Fanny First Play, (1912)]

  7. “He old believe everything, the middle aged suspect every thing, the young know everything.” [ OSCAR WILDE, “ Phrase and Philosophies for the Use of the Young ”., (1891)]

  8. “I believe that more harm is done by old men who cling to their influence that by young men who anticipate it.” [ OWEN D.YOUNG , NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE, July 12, 1962 ]

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